Jul 17, 2019

Tokyo 2019

Tokyo 2019

Sweets are really popular.

Sake Barels

Ramen for lunch. You order from this machine.

Clean bathrooms are important, along with plenty of toilet paper.

 Waiting to cross the famous intersection called Shibuya Crossing.

Cleaning one piece of trash at a time.

Some one-of-a-kind fashion.

A kid in the candy store.

Big park in the centre of the city called Yoyogi Park.

Delirium bar/ restaurant

Famous night life area in the city. It used to be a part of the red light district. The first floor was for the woman to be on display, the second flood had the beds, and the third floor was used to hide from the police. Now they are all mini bars. Many of them even have a cover charge.

I ran into my student Eva on our trip to Kamakura.

Some really hungry fish.

The great Buddha of Kamakura.

Inside Buddha's head

The turtles were hungry too.

Lunch the next day with Eva and her friend who lives in Tokyo.

Double bridge that goes to the emperor's estate

Jul 14, 2019

Guangzhou February-June 2019 & Shenzhen

Second semester in Guangzhou and a weekend trip to Shenzhen 

Woman's Day work dinner

Some more cat sitting with Theo

Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou

My classes this semester

 One last Kareoke 

Finally we found a salsa community

This salsa party is held in a bar right on the Pearl River with a beautiful view.

She is one of the main salsa teachers and salsa organizers in Guangzhou.

Staff trip to Shenzhen organized by the school

School recruitment fair

2019 Prom

Iris and Tina



Shona and Mia

2019 Graduation





 Final Staff dinner